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  • Legal notice

    Last updated: April 03, 2024

    Aurum is an international group of companies comprising legal entities existing under the laws of different jurisdictions. Aurum Law Firm, LLC (“Aurum” and “we”) provides this website, as available at https://aurum.law/, as the group coordinating entity.

    Nothing contained on this website or communicated to you by us or on our behalf shall constitute a legal advice, and shall not be used as such, save where otherwise specifically agreed by us on a case-by-case basis. A qualified legal expert must always be engaged where you require a legal advice. Other than Aurum Law Firm, LLC, none of our companies operates as a law firm. None of our companies operates as a UK law firm.

    The website is provided for informational purposes only, and we shall not be held liable or responsible for any damage, loss or liability whatsoever which may arise out of or in connection with the use of this website or its content. We shall not be responsible for any third-party websites and resources that you may access via the links placed on our website, and shall not accept any responsibility or liability for any such third-party websites or their use whatsoever.

    We shall not be held liable or responsible for any damage, loss or liability which may arise out of or in connection with any malfunction or error in the website, incorrectness or incompleteness of information contained on it, as well as for any interruptions, viruses, trojan horses or any third-party attacks or interventions in the operation or functioning of the website, regardless of whether the website was used in their transmitting or delivery. Online communications may not be secure or reliable, and you shall always implement proper safeguards and steps to protect your connection and device.

    The website and related content are owned by us or applicable rights holders, and, except where expressly provided herein, you shall not receive any rights, title or interest in the website or any of its content.

    You may view, print and download any content of the website, provided that any such use is personal, non-commercial and for informational purposes only; and further provided that no change is made to such content and all our designations and marks are preserved. You may also use the content of our website for other informational purposes, including to make references to or overviews of Aurum or its materials, provided that such use is non-commercial and you add an active hyperlink to the source page of our website. Any other use shall require our prior written consent.

    Except as expressly permitted hereunder, you shall not copy, alter, modify, adapt, publicly display, distribute, or produce derivative works based on, this website and its content.

    Our Communications

    All communications, including emails and attachments, sent by Aurum, its group entities or their respective associates, are confidential and may contain privileged information. Any such communications are intended only for the designated recipient(s). Unauthorized use, dissemination, copying, or interception of these communications is prohibited. If you receive a communication in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the message from your systems and devices. Unauthorized interception of Aurum's communications is illegal and may lead to legal action.

    Terms of Business

    Should you engage any entity of the Aurum group to provide legal or other services, a written contract shall be entered into with you. The specific Aurum entity that will be your contracting counterparty and service provider will be determined according to our standard Terms of Business to be provided to you together with any agreement that we may enter into. All instructions and assignments we receive shall be always subject to and governed by our Terms of Business.

    “Partner” references

    Where an associate is referred to as a “partner”, this designation indicates such associate’s seniority within the firm, and shall not imply nor establish a legal or other form of partnership between such person and any of the Aurum entities. It is acknowledged that Aurum is not a partnership and that Aurum entities do not form a partnership.


    We may amend this Legal Notice at any time and from time to time. We will change the “Last updated” date of this document indicated at the beginning hereof. It is your obligation to review this Notice each time you access our website in order to be aware of the changes.